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Monday, April 23, 2012

postheadericon After Effects

A new chapter in life~ i moved from Photoshop to After Effects...
Took me a whole day to finish my first video, which was only about 30 seconds long...
and I have to say it really sucks~
But its the process of learning that matters...
And although its tedious
it was a lot of fun XD

1st video: Firearms Literally
This was a random thing that came out... I actually just wanted to test out some explosion FX
And I ended up going too far my adding my stupid hand into it,
before adding in L4D2 sounds to kick it up~
Used a blue towel as my transparency
(need to rethink that coz towels have super coarse textures)
LoL~ and this was my final outcome:

2nd video: Muzzle Flash Test
Done this one yesterday, took me the whole day~
Just wanted to test my newly adopted skills in After Effects
and go for realistic gun effects...
I have a couple of future video ideas that need guns
so I had to make sure i know how to make fake guns come alive~
I used footage from an airsoft bb gun review
turned the bb into a real submachine gun...
or so i tried by best loL~
here it is:

Whether my videos turn out nice
or if they just turn out as crap
I'll keep on working coz its fun~
And I have a few damn months to spend
before going to college anyway~

JJ, over and out~